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The Headwaters Eco Lodge has been designed to achieve Net Zero Energy Building Certification (NZEB) 
in accordance with the requirements of the Living Building Challenge

Over the course of a year, the lodge generates as much power on-site via renewable sources as it uses.
To help us achieve Net Zero Energy we strive to use
 50% less energy than similar accommodation facilities.

Net Zero Energy Building Certification

There's one key requirement for achieving this stringent certification - on an annual basis, 100% of our energy needs must be supplied by the energy we generate on site. To achieve this, the project needs to have more than just solar panels. We work on being as efficient as possible in our energy use, while providing a comfortable and enjoyable experience for guests.

Our buildings are designed and built to use passive heating, cooling and ventilation methods, and each cabin is fitted with high-efficiency systems, products, and appliances.

Other conditions that must be met to achieve NZEB certification have been woven into our project from the beginning. Our project team has created buildings that lift the human spirit.

Solar garden

An east-west facing 'solar garden' of photovoltaic panels generates the energy we need to achieve Net Zero Energy while showing our guests and visitors how solar power works.

Surplus energy generated by the solar garden during the day is stored in batteries, enabling us to use it at night.

A big plus? If there's a storm and the power goes out, or there are cuts for any reason, we have power!

Smart lighting

All light fixtures use LED bulbs - highly efficient when turned on, and many lights within buildings automatically turn off when there's no-one home.

Exterior lighting is also automated, providing safety and illumination for visitors while respecting Glenorchy’s rural nightscape (and future Dark Sky accreditation plans!) by avoiding unnecessary light pollution.


Winters in Glenorchy can be quite cold, with nighttime temperatures falling below freezing. Locals often use the bulk of energy consumption in their homes to keep the house warm when the thermometer dips.

To achieve our Net Zero Energy goals, we need to be mindful about how we choose to use energy. This is an important challenge as we seek to reduce the amount of energy used for heating without affecting guest comfort.

At the lodge, the windows, building envelope, and siting angles are designed to take full advantage of the power of the sun. To supplement solar gain, mechanical heating comes from highly-efficient ground-source heat pumps.

End result? Our cabins provide our guests with a cosy, healthy environment using the least energy possible.

Wood texture at The Headwaters Eco Lodge


The lodge's performance is measured by a site-
wide monitoring system that records and shows our energy generation and consumption in real time.

The Headwaters Eco Lodge Accommodation NZ

Net Zero Energy results

Data from this system is audited annually as part of our Net Zero Energy Building Certification.

This data creates an opportunity to engage with visitors and help them discover more about the energy choices they make and sustainable ways to conserve and generate energy.

Beauty can be expressed in many forms and is a very personal experience.
Celebrating design that uplifts the human spirit
Glenorchy Landscapes
The Headwaters Eco Lodge has been designed to achieve Net Zero Energy Building Certification (NZEB) 
in accordance with the requirements of the Living Building Challenge
Harnessing energy from the sun for operation
The Headwaters Eco Lodge seeks to foster a healthy relationship with the entirety of its surrounding environment.
Supporting a just equitable world
Health & Happiness
Human health, comfort and happiness are deeply affected by many aspects of our environment, including the air we breathe, the surfaces we touch, the noises we hear, and the views we see.
Creating spaces that optimise health and wellbeing
The building industry is a significant user of chemicals and products which are considered “worst in class” for their impact on human and environmental health.
Using products that are safe for all species through time
The site will feature a variety of elements that are designed to reduce effects on our local environment – including the air, waterways and soil.
Restoring a healthy relationship with nature
The Headwaters Eco Lodge Accommodation in NZ
The Headwaters has been designed, built and operated to allow us to provide for our own water needs as much as possible.
Operating within the local water balance